The Story Continues...

This is a follow up to Part 1 of our journey from Washington State, back to Georgia. If you're reading along with me, thanks for being here! If you ever go to Mississippi, just know you will be spelling it out in your head the entire time, just like grade school. M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I! We stopped on a foggy afternoon to watch the muddy water of the Mississippi River swirl under the bridges. The visitors stop we found is right before Jackson, Mississippi and although it was December, there were actually flowers showing some color on the branches. During the night I struck out on my own for awhile and captured a few images of the capitol buildings at night. I loved using a longer focal length, to peer down the long road towards the buildings, all lit up and decorated for Christmas.

Georgia, we meet again

After Mississippi, I only took photos on my iphone, I pretty much lost interest in everything except not losing it the last leg of the journey. We arrived exactly 12 days after we left Washington. Along the way, we ate a lot of fast food, we stopped at Buccee's (I'm now a convert), stayed in waaaay too many hotels, and swam in nearly every pool. What felt like the world's longest road trip, had finally been bested! We had arrived in Georgia! Many happy memories for our young family had been made right here in the Golden Isles of Georgia and now we will get to relive with our children at an older age and completely different stage of their lives. Only my older child has a few memories from the first time we lived on Saint Simons Island and now they'll both get to make new memories this time around. Georgia, we've truly missed you and we cannot wait to get reacquainted!
