LAUGHING together - A Mother's Day session in Bellingham, WA

My friend Toni, from way-back-when we were both taking a birth class at a local community college before the births of our firstborns, reached out to me to do a session of her and her boys for Mother's Day. I couldn't wait! The best part of allll of this, is getting to reconnect and see how life has changed for her and her family. Seeing her sweet boys growing up so much, and the love and connection they share with their wonderful mama, well there just isn't anything better than that! I won't forget how the boys searched for dandelions to blow and also were on the quest for a BIG pinecone (which we did find, look at the last photo). Toni and her boys are a seriously fun bunch, I mean my cheeks burnt from smiling so much and they had me in stitches. Which translated into photos that make me melt when I went in to edit the shots. Toni I hope you melt when you see the images too; the growth of you and your sweet boys is the most precious thing ever!

I hope you and everyone else out there, had a wonderful Mother's Day!



family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography
family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography
family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography
family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography
family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography
family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography
family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography
family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography
family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography
family portraits + Bellingham Family Photographer + Bellingham Photographer + Lindy Rebro Photography